Employability Pools

Become a more inclusive employer by bringing local, work-ready people from disadvantaged groups into your organisation with ease while reducing your recruitment costs.

  • For inclusion-focused HR Directors, EDI and employability officers in the public sector.

  • Empower your recruitment teams and hiring managers to hire temporary and permanent workers more inclusively.

  • A solution that combines technology and consulting to connect you with local third sector organisations that can supply, support and upskill disadvantaged or misaligned people - so you can meet your EDI and social value objectives.

  • Significantly reduce your dependence on recruitment agencies to fill generalist roles and get specialist support on funding opportunities so you can be as cost efficient as possible.

Meet your EDI and Social Value Objectives

Unlock access to the social value ecosystem in your local area

There are dozens of social enterprises, job clubs and charities in your area that specialise in supporting and upskilling the over 55s, 16-24s, long-term unemployed, ethnic minorities, ex prisoners and ex military and bringing them into appropriate work.

  • We facilitate access to these groups and make it easy for your recruitment teams and hiring managers to bring these people into your organisation.

  • Get clear management information on how you're performing against your EDI and social value objectives

  • In order to receive government funding, you need to regularly report on how well you're performing against various objectives. Our tech platform gives you easy-to-digest data that can be reported directly to central government, speeding up the process of gaining access to funding.

  • Invest in a solution that does good in the world

  • Being a social enterprise means that 51% of our profit is reinvested in social value. So this could potentially come straight back to you to support and fund your own social mission.

Increase cost cost efficiencies and boost your funding

Significantly reduce your dependence on recruitment agencies

  • It's too risky to completely switch off fulfilling roles through recruitment agencies. But a lot of organisations are spending a fortune on recruitment agencies in areas that they really don't need to.

  • If you were to continue using agencies for specialist roles and switch your more generalist roles over to Nuwe could save you millions annually. 

  • Create your own free talent pool to supply your permanent workforce

  • By fulfilling your generalist, contingent roles through Nuwe, you've created a free talent pool that you can tap into to populate your permanent roles too, significantly increasing your permanent recruitment savings.

  • ​​Boost your funding and get full visibility of how it is being spent

  • Your dedicated team will ensure you make use of (and get the most out of) every possible funding opportunity. No need to diarise funding applications and keep tabs on when it'll run out. 

  • The platform will also clearly demonstrate where your funding has gone, how it's been used, and what the benefit has been so you can have better internal conversations.

How it works


  • Identify and connect with third sector organisations in local area

  • Scope, implement and integrate technology

  • Set up relevant employability pools and train recruitment teams and hiring managers on how to access.


  • Identify opportunities for cost savings and funding top-ups

  • Reconfigure technology as needed

  • Report on social value metrics and identify areas for improvement.


  • Our goal is to leave you with a solution that's fully embedded, so you don't have to keep paying us indefinitely.

  • We'll make sure you have the team, processes and systems you need to meet your EDI and social value objectives, boost your funding and save money.


We want to make sure you stay on track, so we'll always be on hand to support and optimise as needed.